Fun For Kinds To Allou Fun Park

Allou Fun Park 1200X600

The Athens Allou Fun Park is the latest and greatest amusement theme park in Athens, filled with rides and attractions that get the adrenaline and excitement going. Here, the entertainment is unlimited.
Lots of adventure, interaction and skill games, offer the visitor an unforgettable experience in a secure environment for all ages. The "Shock Tower" drops visitors from a height of 450 meters (or 1500 feet) while "The Panorama," the largest Ferris wheel in the Balkans, offers an amazing view of the city. Roller coasters, bumper cars, rafting and other games are all part of the fun. Kidom, right next door, brings joy and delight to toddlers and children under 12. The Park includes restaurants and pastry shops.
Usefull Informations:
Duration : 4 Hours | 1 - 4 Persons | Price €25 per hour.


Contact Information

  (+30) 6932 389 111


🕘  24 / 7 / 365

🏠  13, Kipoupoleos str. 13671 Athens - Greece


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